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Showing posts from 2011

Grandma and Papa show me Andrews

Grandma and I picked Papa up at the Branch Avenue Metro Station on Friday.  Then we went to Andrews for lunch.  I've been to Patuxent Naval Air Station lots of times with Grandma and Papa, but this is the first time I remember going to Andrews with them.  Look at this cool bubble gum machine.  Papa let me get some gum and it was fun to watch it go all through the machine.  There were flashing lights and sounds.  It was so much fun! We ate lunch at the food court.  I had Taco Bell and Grandma and Papa had Robin Hood (kind of like Subway).  Then we went shopping in the Exchange.  I got some new church shoes.  Papa tried on some shoes, but they didn't have the right size.  He was dizzy and I volunteered to tie his shoe.  I love tying shoes now. We went in the commissary too.  It was so crowded, there were no carts and the line to checkout was so long, we decide not to shop.  We went to the Home and Garden store too.  I wanted Papa to buy me a Sprite, but would

Christmas at Grandma and Papa's house

We had a great time on Christmas.  First we opened presents at home.  It was fun! Then we went to church.  After church, we headed over to Grandma and Papa's house.  I got a DS!  I was so surprised! Aunt Sarah and Uncle Tony got me this cool stage set.  I love performing for everyone.  Every time the curtain opens, there is applause. Abby got this cool easel. It has a whiteboard on one side and a chalkboard on the other side. Abby and I had a fun time putting on shows and drawing for everyone! We had ham and smoked turkey for dinner.  It was delicious! I got this cool Headbandz game Aunt Sarah and Abby gave me clues to guess who was on my Headbandz We had a great day!

Fun times in December

 Grandma Mitchell helped me with my spelling homework.   She tells me the word and I write it in salt.  Then a little shake of the cookie sheet, and I am ready for the next word.  Abby wanted to try salt writing too.  She likes to try to do things I do.   I lost my third tooth!  Telling Santa what I want at our church Christmas Party Abby and I like playing with Grandma Mitchell's iPad.  We make some fun faces with Photo Booth.

Ladybug Earrings

I went shopping with daddy and papa on Saturday and papa got me these cute ladybug earrings. I love them so much. Aren't they the best thing ever? I think every little girl should have a pair of ladybug earrings.

A Busy Day

Saturday was a very busy day.  Grandma and Papa picked me up to go shopping at the Navy Base.  First Papa had to get a haircut, so Grandma and I went shopping at the NEX.  I had to stop and let Grandma take my picture by the Frankenstein M&M.  After we finished shopping at the Exchange, we headed to the commissary.  Grandma let me ride in one of the space shuttle shopping carts.  Since I am learning to read, I was in charge of the grocery list and crossed off items as Grandma put them in the cart.  I even added a couple of items that she put in the cart, but didn't have on her list.  I just love helping out.  Next we headed to Grandma and Papa's house.  I picked out these cute jack-o-lantern cookies for Abby and me. I started eating mine right away. Abby wanted to check hers out before she started eating it.  Then I read a book to Mommy and Abby while Grandma and Papa put the groceries away.  I thought they would never finish.  I was so excited b

My Art and My Tooth

I love to draw! Here is a picture I drew of a moose, a lion, a zebra, a bear and a sheep. And I lost my second baby tooth this morning while eating Cheerios! I wonder what the Tooth Fairy will bring me tonight?


I got my ears pierced today, now I am officially a big girl!