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Showing posts from June, 2010

Hiking with Daddy

Daddy and I like going to Myrtle Point Park, it's our little daddy-daughter-date time as mommy calls it. I like to climb on the trees that are leaning over. I also like to play on the Observation deck. And I love to sit and look at the water, it's very relaxing. Daddy found this cool piece of driftwood and he let me climb on it. You can see Solomon's Bridge behind me. Playing in the sand is so fun, I love to try and make things, or just let it run through my fingers. I love to hike on all the trails and collect sticks on the way. Mommy says this is a cute picture of me. I always beat daddy to the top of the steps. It's really fun to play in the sand with a stick, because you can draw pictures. This is the "Spooky Trail" (or at least that's what I've named it) Doesn't it look spooky? Here I am on the spooky trail, I like to pick up pine cones as I walk along because there are so many. Daddy and I always go to this tiny pond to look at all the cl