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Showing posts from 2010

Thanks Aunt Susie!

Look what my Aunt Susie got me! Isn't it the greatest? I love ladybugs (and my Aunt Susie) :)

My Bestest Friend Abigail

I went over to play with my friend Abigail this weekend. She is my bestest friend. We ride the bus together and we are in the same class at school. We had so much fun on our play date. We played barbies (she had a really cool barbie house), dress-up, we played outside, I tried pop-overs, we made pizza, tried to keep her dogs from stealing our food, and simply had a wonderful time. I was very tired when I finally came back home, but it was fun. Our mommies are going to switch off whose house we play at, so next time Abigail can come play with my toys.

When I Grow Up...

I was telling mommy all the different things I want to be when I grow up (because you can't have too many). :) When I grow up I want to be: A chef A ballerina An explorer A clay maker (sculpting things like mommy) A teacher (like grandma Mitchell) And a singer (like mommy) This is my list, so far, I will probably have many more things to add, because mommy told me I could be whatever I want to be when I grow up. She said I have to work hard and do a lot of practicing so I can do the things I want to do, and be good at doing them. Right now, I practice by playing, and I have lots of fun doing that, mommy even plays with me and helps me learn lots of neat things everyday. When I start Kindergarten I will learn even more things that will help me become the things I want to be when I grow up.

Hiking with Daddy

Daddy and I like going to Myrtle Point Park, it's our little daddy-daughter-date time as mommy calls it. I like to climb on the trees that are leaning over. I also like to play on the Observation deck. And I love to sit and look at the water, it's very relaxing. Daddy found this cool piece of driftwood and he let me climb on it. You can see Solomon's Bridge behind me. Playing in the sand is so fun, I love to try and make things, or just let it run through my fingers. I love to hike on all the trails and collect sticks on the way. Mommy says this is a cute picture of me. I always beat daddy to the top of the steps. It's really fun to play in the sand with a stick, because you can draw pictures. This is the "Spooky Trail" (or at least that's what I've named it) Doesn't it look spooky? Here I am on the spooky trail, I like to pick up pine cones as I walk along because there are so many. Daddy and I always go to this tiny pond to look at all the cl

Nature Walk

When daddy got home from work today we took a nature walk as a family. I took a plastic grocery bag with me and picked up lots of pretty flowers, leaves, and baby pine cones. Didn't I get a nice collection? This is a picture of my favorite ones. Mommy took the four big flowers in this picture and put them in a Ziploc bag and then pressed them into a book. When they are ready I am going to make a bookmark with them and that way I'll be able to keep them forever. I also got a couple rocks that I'm going to paint and post pictures of later. What a great day!

I Want to be a Ballerina

I have decided I want to be a ballerina, so I have been practicing, and had grandma Lori take pictures of me. Here I am balancing on one foot. And here I am jumping up in the air "Singing in the Rain" style, or so my mommy says. I love to pretend to be a ballerina, well, I love to pretend to be lots of things. Mommy says that is the best part about being a kid is using your imagination, and I think she's right.

My Luna Moth Adventure With Mommy!

While mommy and I were taking a walk today we found this neat Luna Moth in the driveway. We decided to move it off the driveway so it wouldn't get run over by a car. When we scooped it up with a stick it spread its wings and I loved its spots! I also loved its big fuzzy pink legs and fuzzy yellow antennae. We found a good home for the moth and I decided to name it Tuna the Luna Moth.

My Snake Skin

I found my pretty snake skin, I'd hidden it in the cup holder of my car seat, so I let mommy take a picture of it to show everyone just how neat it is.

My Frog Egg Adventure with Daddy!

Daddy took me to Myrtle Point Park and we went walking around on the trails there. We pretended to be adventures exploring the woods. Along the way we found this big puddle and inside were a bunch of frog eggs, it was so cool. I even got to hold them. Just look how neat they are, what could be better than holding frog eggs?

An Adventure with Papa!

My Papa and I always go on fun adventures. He always shows me neat things and tells me all about them. We like to look at birds and plants and bugs. I know what a lot of them are too because he teaches me how to recognize them. He also takes me to go see the horses and find fossils; I always have fun with my Papa. The other day he took me on an especially fun adventure. We went walking around in the woods and we climbed up a hill and sat down on it above the fox's den. We wandered around over and under broken trees and followed some deer trails. We found lots of little deer poops along the way, and we also found a big pile of deer poop and I looked at Papa and said, "That's some BIG poop." We also found a snake's skin under a log which I thought was awesome so I kept it. Then we went down to the water, which Papa explained to me was a creek, but I just like to call it water. I put my hands in the water and it was really cold, but it was still neat. I h

The Secret Of The Napkins

The other day Grandma Mitchell showed me the secret of the napkins. I needed a napkin, but there weren't anymore, so I asked Grandma if she could get me some. She told me that I was old enough now to learn the secret of the napkins. She showed me where she kept the napkins (after we made sure Abby wasn't in the room, because they are kept in a small cabinet that Abby would have no trouble getting into). Now, if I ever need a napkin and there aren't any I know where to get more. I just have to make sure Abby doesn't see me, because it's a secret, a big girl secret. Shhhhh!

My First Blizzard

This is the snowman my daddy and I made. Mommy says he's a redneck snowman, whatever that means. Here are some icicles outside our dining room window. I love icicles, my daddy even broke one off and let me suck on it like a Popsicle. I loved playing in all the pretty snow, it was great. This is a fun book I like to read. It's called Pinkalicious. I let daddy take two pictures of me. Here is me doing a goofy grin. Below is me getting married. Mommy says it's a hillbilly wedding. I wonder if it has anything to do with the baby tucked into my jammies and the hanky on my head or the fact that I'm marrying a pink unicorn named George? We are now Mr. and Mrs. George.

Story Time with Mommy

Here is a story I made up and shared with my mommy: The Two Little Moonlight Chickens The two little moonlight chickens were so scared and sad So were all the animals in the dark scary barn Now, these two little moonlight chickens were all cuddled up But the other chickens didn't know what to do So the littlest chick huddled up to his mommy All the animals in the barn are asleep already But we have to find food before we go to sleep tonight So the mommy went out to find some food Now, the two little moonlight chickens were not asleep So they went away to find some food too But they didn't get to eat because they didn't find the food The little moonlight chickens were scared because it was dark But the mommy found them and cuddled them in her arms They went back to the barn and had hot cocoa in a cup Then Santa brought presents across the deep blue sea There was some muddy grass and lots of dirty animals But that's what happens when you live in a barn.

Izzy's World

My Grandma and Papa got me a camera for Christmas because I love to take pictures. My mommy started this blog for me so I can share my view of the world with everyone. Now everyone will be able to see through my eyes. I like taking pictures of my feet. I have monkey toes like my daddy. These are some seashells my daddy put in our fish tank. Here are my Angel fish. The pink on is Abby Cadabby and the spotted one behind it is Abby. This is my Snow White baby doll my mommy and daddy got me for Christmas. Snow White is my favorite Princess and I love to play with baby dolls. I like to take pictures of my cousin Abby, she is so cute. I love to play with her and give her hugs. My daddy is so silly. Here he is wearing my princess Snuggie. This is our pretty Christmas tree. I love turning all the lights off in the house and leaving the tree lights on while we drink hot chocolate. It's fun family time.