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Showing posts from October, 2011

A Busy Day

Saturday was a very busy day.  Grandma and Papa picked me up to go shopping at the Navy Base.  First Papa had to get a haircut, so Grandma and I went shopping at the NEX.  I had to stop and let Grandma take my picture by the Frankenstein M&M.  After we finished shopping at the Exchange, we headed to the commissary.  Grandma let me ride in one of the space shuttle shopping carts.  Since I am learning to read, I was in charge of the grocery list and crossed off items as Grandma put them in the cart.  I even added a couple of items that she put in the cart, but didn't have on her list.  I just love helping out.  Next we headed to Grandma and Papa's house.  I picked out these cute jack-o-lantern cookies for Abby and me. I started eating mine right away. Abby wanted to check hers out before she started eating it.  Then I read a book to Mommy and Abby while Grandma and Papa put the groceries away.  I thought they would never finish.  I was so excited b

My Art and My Tooth

I love to draw! Here is a picture I drew of a moose, a lion, a zebra, a bear and a sheep. And I lost my second baby tooth this morning while eating Cheerios! I wonder what the Tooth Fairy will bring me tonight?


I got my ears pierced today, now I am officially a big girl!